This months website is the excellent MacGayverPlaymobil site. Normally I have to think what to put about the wonderful sites out there but this is one I don't have any trouble about. Mac's site is a multilingual showcase of delights. Featuring his magnificent custom builds from most of the Playmobil range.
His was one of the very first websites I came across just after buying my original Victorian Mansion. Wow!!!! it was amazing to see what could be done with Playmobil. I can honestly say it was Mac's site that has always inspired me to try customising, his ships and truck conversions are the best I have seen anywhere. One day I hope to be as good.
But Mac is not just talented at these smaller creations he often participates at Playmobil shows creating magnificent dioramas which are also featured on his site. If you want to see the true flexibility of Playmobil I can't think of a better place to visit.
Thank you Mac for your inspiration and for sharing your work, Emma.
excelente todo lo que haces!!!!!